Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected objects that communicate through the internet. As sensors and CPUs have been shrinking through the years, these objects can be anything from automobiles and airplanes to implantable RFID chips and microscopic robots. These objects must store data quick and efficiently but must also be able to share that data with others. The amount of data each object collects has been growing at a rapid rate, while at the same time, the processing power of these objects has been increasing. This has created a need for more real-time processing of this huge amount of data on the object/device level. With the increased number of connected devices, security problems also escalate.
Where does RaimaDB fit into the IoT world?
The RaimaDB easily meets the needs of the IoT world of devices and sensors, whatever the issues.
For example, big data is gathered continuously on the edge, and summarizing that data to make decisions within a submilliseconds constraint is critical. Information necessary for business intelligence will be pushed to the cloud. RaimaDB is a key component within an IoT-to-cloud computing platform and helps alleviate the latency issues all applications face in a real-time scenario.
Why RaimaDB in an IoT Environment?

Real-Time response

Improved Security

Offline Capability

High Cloud Costs

Broadband Limitations
Fast and Reliable
For IoT use, data must be stored at maximum speed and reliability.
- RaimaDB is a very high read/write database engine with full ACID properties.
- RaimaDB performs better than competitors in similar tests, as can be seen here.
- It is optimized.
- Users can store information in either solid state drive (SSD) or hard disk drive (HDD) or in RAM for in-memory formats.
- RaimaDB can be compressed by 25% for higher performance.
Multiple Inputs
In an IoT environment, data may come from multiple different sensors and operating systems.
- RaimaDB is 100% platform independent. Data can be stored from any processor or sensor and be accessible on another completely different system and architecture, with no user code modification or data processing.
- RaimaDB also supports nearly every operating system, including RTOSs such as Wind River VxWorks and Green Hills Integrity.
- Data must be secure. RaimaDB uses the latest AES encryption on all of its stored data.
Data must be able to be moved.
- RaimaDB supports local storage and data replication from an RaimaDB database to another Raima database system, or to any other enterprise database vendor, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server through SymmetricDS.
- Data can be collected on the device and replicated to an enterprise system for easy and quick analysis.
Ease of use
Development must be easy.
- RaimaDB uses a modern and efficient C/C++-based cursor API while also supporting the industry standard interfaces of ODBC, JDBC and
- RaimaDB supports the SQL:2011 or ISO/IEC 9075:2011 SQL Standard, allowing for SQL queries and constructs like SQL Triggers, SQL PL and SQL Stored Procedures to be created and run on any IoT device.
- Any code made in RaimaDB has cross-platform support. The goal is to develop on one environment, and to compile and deploy the same code on any other system.
How is Raima Used Today?
An important and large subset of the Internet of Things is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The manufacturing industry has an increasing demand to gather greater and greater amounts of data to streamline and optimize their processes. Companies like Schneider Electric solve this challenge by using Raima. With abundant platform support and high-throughput data access, RaimaDB is well positioned to help this growing industry.
Get started with RaimaDB today
Try RaimaDB for free today and see how screaming fast data management can get you to market on schedule and under budget.