NEW RELEASE! RaimaDB 16.0, faster, easier to use, Autosar support, improved Control Center and much more. Learn more here!

The fastest and most secure database solution

Supercharge your whole system with real-time data management — optimized to your specifications.

Top-rated embedded database solution

Group 16112

Data should be fast

Leverage real-time data flow.
Group 16113

Data should be reliable

Gain around-the-clock data availability.
Group 16111

Data should be supported

Access full-time customer support.
Group 16114

Data should be easy

Hit the ground running with minimal code requirements.

RaimaDB outperforms competitors

Decrease time to market for enterprise applications dramatically. In the industry-standard TPC-B test, our disk-based performance is able to process over 2,000+ more transactions than our closest competitors on an X86 platform and over 20x more transactions than SQLite on an ARM platform.

RaimaDB uses a “packed” row format in the database engine containing byte streams that are compact and portable across different OS and processor platforms – allowing application developers to develop on one platform and deploy on another.

IoT Embedded ARM

Desktop X86

RaimaDB vs SQLite

SQLite lacks the scalability and integrations that mission-critical applications require to stay performant and flexible over their lifetime.

RaimaDB can maintain 400,000 transactions per second with 20+ clients, comes pre-packaged with full integrations, and is optimized to run in any hardware or software environment.

Build vs Buy

Building in-house database solutions can take years to complete, cost millions of dollars, and take developers away from more important goals.

Raima’s fully customized and optimized database solution decreases your development time, reduces costs by over 50%, and allows your developers to focus on what truly matters.

RDM vs SQLite

SQLite lacks the scalability and integrations that mission-critical applications require to stay performant and flexible over their lifetime.

RDM can maintain 400,000 transactions per second with 20+ clients, comes pre-packaged with full integrations, and is optimized to run in any hardware or software environment.

Build vs Buy

Building in-house database solutions can take years to complete, cost millions of dollars, and take developers away from more important goals.

Raima’s fully customized and optimized database solution decreases your development time, reduces costs by over 50%, and allows your developers to focus on what truly matters.

Move & use data faster

Manage your data with near-zero latency. If your data moves faster, your whole application runs faster. Enable real-time decision-making with the fastest database engine for mission-critical applications.

Fastest real-time embedded edge IoT Database solution
Only 350k of RAM and minimal CPU speeds needed to fully operate
High performance requires limited resources
Efficient data storage

Zero administration requirements

Trust your database

Unrivaled stability & industry standard roll-back recovery — make decisions faster at the source, ensuring your data is always available, and never lose connection again.
Universal edge device support
No connectivity required
Fully ACID Compliant
Optimized to extend lifetime of hardware
Self maintaining, no DBA required

Never manage your data alone

From onboarding to technical support, partner with a team that always goes the extra mile to ensure your project stays up and running and under budget.

Quick & easy onboarding
Dedicated support team
Simple & highly performant customer user experience
SQL optimization support
Flexible licensing agreement
Technical support during evaluation phase

Get started in minutes

Hit the ground running with quick onboarding and an intuitive interface so you can pack more functionality into every bit with minimal code requirements.

Requires less code to achieve same results as competitors
Sample code, examples, and demos
Integration into popular IDEs
Modern code
Huge amount of sample code, examples, demos



Manage data within your application or device.


Store and use data in your device’s RAM.


Process data on edge devices or trasmit with full encryption.

Data integrity

Prevent data loss with backlog & roll-back recovery.


Transfer data from edge-to-cloud or edge-to-edge.

Limited computing power

Save CPU capacity for main-use functionality.

Minimal memory usage

Leverage in-memory data with low-footprint RAM usage.

Compact disk storage

Conserve disk space with barebone data storage.

Get started with RaimaDB today

Easily migrate to RaimaDB today with our detailed documentation and expert support.