NEW RELEASE! RaimaDB 16.0, faster, easier to use, Autosar support, improved Control Center and much more. Learn more here!

Raima comes to FreeRTOS

Real-time requirements are ever-increasing, especially in the IoT and IIoT space. As those demands go up, FreeRTOS has been establishing itself as a high quality, open-source, real-time embedded operating system. It has a very small footprint and runs on a large number of different micro-controllers. This is a perfect fit for Raima as it also has a very small footprint and runs on a large variety of hardware. Furthering this broad hardware support, Raima now runs on the FreeRTOS operating system.

Time has been spent optimizing and ensuring that the RaimaDB system fully supports the various different ports of FreeRTOS from ARM-v8 to x86 real mode and simulator to freescale. The standard Raima quality gates and tests have been passed along with testing the different file systems and memory allocation modes of FreeRTOS. Raima has verified FreeRTOS FAT, Datalite’s Reliance Edge file systems, and pure in-memory data storage.

To try out this version of RaimaDB, please use this form or send an email to [email protected] and a team member will provide all the necessary downloads to get started.


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