Edge-to-cloud replication
Raima can help you manage data securely from IoT devices to on-oremise servers to the cloud. In today’s computing environments, the ability to share critical information to allow for critical actions to be taken and decisions to be made, is an important requirement for any software application. When gathering data securely with Raima on the IoT edge devices, users can replicate that data to edge servers with Raima-to-Raima replication and then summarized data to any cloud database vendor through a parternship with SymmetricDS.
Aerospace and defense

Automotive industry

Industrial automation


Energy & natural resources

Cross-platform replication
Raima’s ultra-fast replication allows for replication from IoT edge devices running real-time operating systems to edge/fog infrastructure like on-premise servers, gateways etc.
Cloud Database Management
Optimized for performance and scalability, replicate thousands of databases asynchronously in near real-time, and span replication across multiple tiers.
Get started with RaimaDB today
Try RaimaDB for free today and see how screaming fast data management can get you to market on schedule and under budget.