Trademark Guideline
You may use Raima trademarks (but not logos or taglines) to identify Raima products, services, and programs on packaging, promotional, and advertising materials, provided you adhere to the following guidelines:
- You may not incorporate or include any Raima trademark in your company name, product or service name, or domain name.
- Your product name may not be confusingly similar to any Raima trademark.
- You may not use Raima trademarks in any manner that implies Raima sponsorship, affiliation, certification, approval, or endorsement in relation to your product or service, or in a manner that could reasonably be interpreted to suggest that Raima is legally associated with your company, or represents our views or opinions.
- You may not use any Raima trademark in any manner that is misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene or otherwise objectionable as determined by us in our sole discretion.
- You may not display any Raima trademark on a site that violates any law or regulation.
- You may not use any Raima trademark, including web logos or any other Raima logo trademark, on or in connection with a website that provides download links for a fee (whether directly or indirectly via a subscription model or the like) for any Raima product or service.
- An appropriate generic term must appear after a Raima trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece and as often as possible after that (i.e. Raima® Database Software, Raima Database Manager® Software, etc.).
- Reference to a Raima trademark may not be the most prominent visual element on packaging or other marketing materials for your product or service. Your company name and/or logo, your product or service name, and your graphic identity should be significantly larger than any reference to a Raima trademark.
- If your use includes references to a Raima product, the full name of the product must be referenced at the first and most prominent mention (RDM® Embedded). When referencing any Raima trademark, please mark with a ™ or ® as indicated in the Raima trademark list for general distribution.
- You may not shorten or abbreviate any Raima trademark. Always spell out and capitalize Raima’s trademarks exactly as they appear in the Raima trademark list for general distribution.
- You should include the following trademark attribution statement: [List of marks used, with ‘Raima’ first, if used, followed by other Raima marks used, in alphabetical order] are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Raima Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Unless you are licensed by Raima under a specific licensing program or agreement, use of Raima logos such as the Raima corporate logo is not allowed. You may qualify for use of certain logos under the programs offered through Raima’s Partner Program. If you are not eligible for any of these logo programs, you may be eligible to use one of Raima’s Web logos instead. Or you may choose to simply refer to a Raima product as described in this document.
- Raima
- RaimaDB
- Raima Database Manager
- RDM Embedded
- RDM Server